
About the editor

OPML is based around the concept of an "outline", a hierarchical structure that can represent a wide variety of information. Editors built around this structure are often called "outliners".
Although this editor fully support the OPML specification, it's more tailored for managing RSS/Atom feed lists specifically as a supplement to feed readers.

OPML is a great way to manage and share feed lists. It's simple and widely supported by many feed readers. But often you find that feed readers are a bit rigid, and on the other hand, the files are too large and cubersome to manually edit in a standard text editor. So that's where this editor comes in, it's a simple tool to help you manage your feed lists in a more flexible way. It's tailored for this specific use case and committed to make it as smooth as possible.

About OPML

OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) is a simple XML-based file format that is commonly used to structure and exchange hierarchical lists of information (outlines) between applications. The outline format is versatile and can be used to represent a wide variety of hierarchical information, including bookmarks, notes, to-do lists, project plans, and RSS/Atom feeds.

OPML Specification

It was developed by Dave Winer. The first version (1.0) was released in 2000. The current version is 2.0, released in 2007.

The OPML 2.0 specification is available at https://opml.org/spec2.opml

Basic example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<opml version="2.0">
        <dateCreated>Sat, 18 Jun 2005 12:11:52 GMT</dateCreated>
        <dateModified>Tue, 02 Aug 2005 21:42:48 GMT</dateModified>
        <ownerName>Dave Winer</ownerName>
        <ownerEmail>[email protected]</ownerEmail>
        <outline text="CNET News.com" description="Tech news and business reports by CNET News.com. Focused on information technology, core topics include computers, hardware, software, networking, and Internet media." htmlUrl="http://news.com.com/" language="unknown" title="CNET News.com" type="rss" version="RSS2" xmlUrl="http://news.com.com/2547-1_3-0-5.xml"/>
        <outline text="washingtonpost.com - Politics" description="Politics" htmlUrl="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/politics?nav=rss_politics" language="unknown" title="washingtonpost.com - Politics" type="rss" version="RSS2" xmlUrl="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/rssheadlines.xml"/>
        <outline text="Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger" description="Robert Scoble's look at geek and Microsoft life." htmlUrl="http://radio.weblogs.com/0001011/" language="unknown" title="Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger" type="rss" version="RSS2" xmlUrl="http://radio.weblogs.com/0001011/rss.xml"/>
        <outline text="Yahoo! News: Technology" description="Technology" htmlUrl="http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=index&amp;cid=738" language="unknown" title="Yahoo! News: Technology" type="rss" version="RSS2" xmlUrl="http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/tech"/>
        <outline text="Workbench" description="Programming and publishing news and comment" htmlUrl="http://www.cadenhead.org/workbench/" language="unknown" title="Workbench" type="rss" version="RSS2" xmlUrl="http://www.cadenhead.org/workbench/rss.xml"/>
        <outline text="Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories" description="Read the front page stories of csmonitor.com." htmlUrl="http://csmonitor.com" language="unknown" title="Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories" type="rss" version="RSS" xmlUrl="http://www.csmonitor.com/rss/top.rss"/>
        <outline text="Dictionary.com Word of the Day" description="A new word is presented every day with its definition and example sentences from actual published works." htmlUrl="http://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday/" language="unknown" title="Dictionary.com Word of the Day" type="rss" version="RSS" xmlUrl="http://www.dictionary.com/wordoftheday/wotd.rss"/>
        <outline text="The Motley Fool" description="To Educate, Amuse, and Enrich" htmlUrl="http://www.fool.com" language="unknown" title="The Motley Fool" type="rss" version="RSS" xmlUrl="http://www.fool.com/xml/foolnews_rss091.xml"/>
        <outline text="InfoWorld: Top News" description="The latest on Top News from InfoWorld" htmlUrl="http://www.infoworld.com/news/index.html" language="unknown" title="InfoWorld: Top News" type="rss" version="RSS2" xmlUrl="http://www.infoworld.com/rss/news.xml"/>
        <outline text="NYT &gt; Business" description="Find breaking news &amp; business news on Wall Street, media &amp; advertising, international business, banking, interest rates, the stock market, currencies &amp; funds." htmlUrl="http://www.nytimes.com/pages/business/index.html?partner=rssnyt" language="unknown" title="NYT &gt; Business" type="rss" version="RSS2" xmlUrl="http://www.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/Business.xml"/>
        <outline text="NYT &gt; Technology" description="" htmlUrl="http://www.nytimes.com/pages/technology/index.html?partner=rssnyt" language="unknown" title="NYT &gt; Technology" type="rss" version="RSS2" xmlUrl="http://www.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/Technology.xml"/>
        <outline text="Scripting News" description="It's even worse than it appears." htmlUrl="http://www.scripting.com/" language="unknown" title="Scripting News" type="rss" version="RSS2" xmlUrl="http://www.scripting.com/rss.xml"/>
        <outline text="Wired News" description="Technology, and the way we do business, is changing the world we know. Wired News is a technology - and business-oriented news service feeding an intelligent, discerning audience. What role does technology play in the day-to-day living of your life? Wired News tells you. How has evolving technology changed the face of the international business world? Wired News puts you in the picture." htmlUrl="http://www.wired.com/" language="unknown" title="Wired News" type="rss" version="RSS" xmlUrl="http://www.wired.com/news_drop/netcenter/netcenter.rdf"/>